Mark ZeTTo
(2008-03-08 9:07 AM)
Dear beautiful ladies, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the 8th of March! On this spring holiday I wish you to stay always as charming,as smart , as admired as u are now!!!It is your holiday today,and i wish for all of your wishes to come true! U,ladies,encourage us,men to do any tipe of thing just so u'll be close to us!I also want to say that u should be proud of being a woman,because to me woman means a girlfriend ,a mother,friend,a sister,grandmum-LIFE IN ITSELF!!!You are beautatious living creatures that forfill the life on this planet Earth.And this is me -Mark ZeTTo speaking to u,and i think all of men think the same!HAPPY 8th OF MARCH!!!THANK YOU FOR your EXISTENCE!!!